Scott Highleyman
Director International Arctic, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington
Scott Highleyman oversees marine campaigns in Canada, Greenland, and international waters that promote science and community-based conservation of the Arctic Ocean and the welfare of indigenous residents who rely on this ecosystem.
Highleyman has led conservation initiatives in Alaska and Canada for 25 years. He was the first executive director of the Alaska Marine Conservation Council, working with coastal communities, Alaska Natives and small-boat commercial fishermen toward sustainable management of U.S. North Pacific fisheries. He also served as staff attorney for Trustees for Alaska, executive director of the Alaska Environmental Lobby and congressional lobbyist for the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council. As founder of Wildhavens Consulting, Highleyman specialized in community-based and cross-border conservation projects, providing advice to the Canadian Boreal Initiative, Ducks Unlimited Canada, the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, The Pew Charitable Trusts and many other organizations.
Highleyman holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Williams College and a J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School at Madison.